Quite possibly the most important assessment your child can receive if they engage in troubling, problematic, or dangerous behaviors at school at home or in the community. This assessment provides answers to the most critical question “WHY ARE THEY DOING THAT?!”
Put simply a functional behavior assessment relies on a variety of research methods such as direct observation, data collection, document review, and interviews to gather information on why a child engages in the behavior they do. Behavior such as elopement, self-injury, stereotypy, task refusal, non-compliance etc. all have one thing in common; they all have a function. Once a behavior analyst determines the function they can then develop a plan to treat the behavior. Now, that may sound simple but some behaviors serve multiple functions and you want to be sure strategies being implemented on your child have been proven effective. It comes down to function, strategy and most importantly implementation; without proper implementation, an FBA is moot! As a parent, guardian or loved one you want to be sure your child’s plan is being implemented to fidelity.
It’s imperative for parents and staff to have a solid understanding of what strategies are being used to help their loved one or student and why. We believe providing education and training is the most valuable action a parent, teacher, guardian or loved one can do to help a child make meaningful change in their life. To make change long lasting you’ll need to know the "how" and "why" of behavior. If you're interested in gaining some education on behavior to help your loved one or student make behavioral strides, we're here to support you. Once you learn how to utilize behavior analytic strategies you can make significant changes in a child's daily life. Staff Training for teachers, paraprofessionals, and other supplemental support providers is provided based on induvial or group needs. Large and small group trainings on following:
A treatment plan guides caregivers, teachers and staff on how to be proactive to reduce maladaptive behavior and most importantly how to react when problematic behavior occurs. This document contains information regarding goals across all environments of an individual’s life including school, home, community, and transition. It is vital that a treatment is comprehensive, accounting for all aspects of the individual’s life. The treatment plan will help guide parents teachers, staff and caregivers how to best manage and reduce maladaptive behavior.
We offer Applied Behavior Analysis services for those individuals with Autism or other developmental or behavioral disorders.
Consultation services take place in the home or school setting and are based on appropriate observation and analysis of data. Consultations provide recommendations and direction for team/ family members.
School setting consultations
can include behavioral program development, social skills training, daily living skills and life skills training.
Interested in becoming a Board-Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA)? We offer a variety of services to help you obtain your fieldwork hours. If you require supervision hours toward BCaBA, BCBA, or RBT contact us to get more information. It’s important to understand all the requirements before you start. Is your University cleared through the BACB? To find out follow this link https://bacb.com/verified-course-sequences/ Check the BACB website for the most up-to-date information regarding supervision requirements. Our experience encompasses academic and clinical applications.
Functional Behavior Assessments | Parent and Staff Training | Consultations | Program Development | BCBA Supervision
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